Last night with a heavy head, looking in the mirror I notice under the left eye a lump bump sag – it ached. A single area of my body encapsulated how I’m feeling these days. One more ailment.
I never used to be like this. I now have a before times… you were alive, I had a heathy constitution that served me well for almost 60 years. Our universe collapsed and what’s left is many questions no answers…Sure to be unsure.
I look on with awe at the outside world playing, engaging, reaching for me, unable to grasp the hand at my side.
Months go by… it’s now almost 2 years 4months since you died. 3 years since you broke.
And yet the ceiling was fixed, the house painted, fence repaired, cat put down, car sold, car leased, garden created, mattress bought, your cashmere given to friend, artwork boxed, art studio emptied, brain scanned, on and on…
Time to get up and create a new past.