”Life is a dream. Keep it simple.”

Those two sentences woke me this Sunday morning.

Sweep the doubts, fears to the trash bin only after you recognize what’s standing behind them in plain sight. It’s not a laborious act. At this time of life it’s a breath in and out – recognizing the phantom and watching the crumbs fall to the floor.

I could never fulfill the dream of the vacation my sister had in mind. My health at this time limits my interaction. Naps daily… I can’t jump in and play these days. My fear is that I would never give them – host – (which I love to do) a wonderful time. I couldn’t share my world to the fullest. And my fear is their time would be waisted and I would be set back.

Let the crumbs fall. Time is never waisted – there is opportunity in every moment for choice and engagement. You are not responsible for their happiness. You are only responsible for taking care of self.

I admit part of me is disappointed. I want that fun life. To share it, unafraid. But there is a breathe of relief that I recognize is myself and my sibling. We were able to bring our adult selves into our childish game – dismissing the children to take a nap as we cleaned up their toys. The “Fun with Dick & Jane” book was put on the shelf and we began to write our own stories in separate journals, with different inks made by the same manufacturer.