I was struck listening to the former First Lady Michelle Obama, by the lightning emanating from her. It struck deep into my despair. Fear, the smallness of it. The helplessness of it. The quiet resignation. Gave me hope even in my reduced health state to find the reserves that I may have and face the world on my terms. Knowing that base is what is connected to the universe.
- Light your candles
- Mourn your love
- Spread the ashes of the past
- Give Songan’s ashes back to the earth, mix them up in the winds of eternity. Mix them with the ones who came before that spoke to him. Take them out of the box, The bag, fear not the bits of his bones and grieve with love and embrace the loss with full recognition of the fierce energy for living that has left those ashes…
- Build a life on the shaky ground of an uncertain health future.
- Believe in yourself and how you got here
- Emanate the presence of your moment and others will see you.
- You have nothing “To DO” – your doing is your living and being present.
Thank you Michelle for that reminder. For throwing that thunderbolt into the air. Brighter and more beautiful than any firework.