
When the pipes got stopped up, feces and sewer water everywhere – my way forward was clear. Clean up the area, fix it myself and if not find a Plummer. It didn’t matter to me that I would most likely pay for it physically.

Old rags, work clothes, paper, got thrown. Immediately – the answer was clear. This goes, this has no meaning, clear the area because I can’t live a healthy life with germs, mold, feces, dust…

From 9-5 with Mark’s help – I unplugged the buried stopped up piped. Black sludge moved.

So there was a tipping point when clarity rang true and could not be denied – There was one path forward.

So… where else is there a stoppage – clogged residue of thoughts and beliefs that I fly above because I still have a way forward… even though it’s not the way I want.

You knew you needed to stop drinking – long covid made you. Would I ever take it up again. No not today.

Your body knows – you know. There is no Shazam moment, when a great god will bestow a revelation…

The well inside is filled with answers.