Full Moon Monday

Something is out of wack. There are things day to day that are just not working in my favor and I’m the one in the drivers seat.

The cat demanding my attention at 5 am.

The way I end my days

The wonky way my internal drive feels

Numbness in my head

Projects everywhere – the art studio, lamps, couch, your website, your artwork, the basement, replacement window, my health, expenses… work, lack of exercise, emptying attic, new sheets, lamps fo the beadroom, clean the carpets, prepare for winter, your ashes your ashes your ashes…

There is no end to the list, I could think of 20 more things, What am I looking for with each completed task… a picture in Architectural Digest. Perfect home, life, with partner, nothing out of place, calm serine with an ample amount of money and drive ….

It’s the full moon, that type of vision of the future no longer serves me… burn it.